New A YEAR OF CABBAGESFor year-round deliciousness with 5 tasty varieties: enjoy one packet each of Wheelers Imperial, Earliest of All, Kalibos, Red Drumhead and Tundra.
New Cabbage Berns naturally nurtured seedGently pointed for flavour summer to autumn (20 seeds) |
Cabbage Copenhagen Market EarlyScrumptious heirloom for spring and autumn (20 seeds) |
Cabbage Earliest of AllScrummy British bred, can be close spaced, crops from late May (20 seeds) |
Cabbage Elisa F1Sweet summer crops (June to October), can be grown for mini-heads (20 seeds) |
Cabbage Evergreen F1Lots of lush leafy greens from spring, tiptop flavour (20 seeds) |
Cabbage Kilaton F1The best clubroot resistant variety, autumn/winter harvest (20 seeds) |
New Cabbage Marwei naturally nurtured seedA true star in the autumn (20 seeds) |
New Cabbage Mammoth Red RockA super heirloom packed with over 130 years of quality (20 seeds)
Cabbage Red DrumheadCooks superbly and stays red, autumn & winter flavour (20 seeds) |
New Cabbage Red Express naturally nurtured seedBrilliant choice for the earliest sowings (20 seeds) |
Cabbage Savoy PerfectionSweet, mild, tender heirloom for autumn (20 seeds) |
Cabbage Spring Hero F1Just wait for your sweet & tasty spring feast! (20 seeds) |
Cabbage Wheelers ImperialWonderful compact hearts to enjoy in the spring or autumn (20 seeds) |
Sow in mid to late summer for great cabbages the following spring to summer.
Great quicker growing types for cabbages in summer to autumn from a spring sowing.
These super cabbages will mature from autumn to early winter.
These are great hardy cabbages that are ready from mid/late autumn and through the winter.
Tasty and versatile types that will take you through the seasons.
Super tasty varieties that will crop in autumn and winter.