
We think there is nothing quite like roasted parsnips during the winter. We lift ours as we need them but take care if there is going to be a freeze and lift them before the ground becomes too hard! They like soil that is well dug and warmed from cloches; alternatively you can start them in deep pots and plant out at the two leaf stage.

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This is one of the best new parsnip introductions, British bred so it copes with our weather. It is also bred to be resistant to canker making it very suitable to grow organically. It has an excellent sweet flavour. Price for 60 seeds


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Large roots with shallow crowns so there is little wastage in use. This has proved to be the most popular parsnip that we stock: fast maturing, sweet, crisp and superb consistent quality are among its hallmarks. Price for 60 seeds


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Alan Titchmarsh, writing in December, recommends this as one of the very best roasting varieties and we do not disagree in any way: a terrific flavour! This is a heritage variety from the 1800’s and, even though the name suggests otherwise, it is French in origin. This ‘half long’ variety with shorter stumpy roots and broad shoulders that can be harvested at anytime once large enough. 60 seeds.


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Good flavoured, chunky wedge-shaped roots  (60 seeds)


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