White Gem is always a popular gardener’s choice, with a really good flavour and chunky wedge-shaped roots, this is a long-established variety that can be grown successfully in most soil types. The roots are medium length with broad shoulders, excellent quality and a heavy cropper. Price for 60 seeds
SOW & GROW: in February & March warm the soil using cloches for 2/3 weeks before sowing, keep cloches on while they get going. In late March to May you probably won’t need cloches when sowing. They are renowned for slow erratic germination so try sprouting the seeds on damp kitchen towel on a windowsill, planting out before they root into the towel. Water in dry summers. The tops die down in October, lift from now through to spring
EAT: delicious before or after frosts. Try parsnip chips tossed in olive oil and baked. Parsnips will store in a poly bag in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. To Freeze – wash and peel then cube roots, blanch for 5 minutes, plunge into cold water and drain.