Ice Queen grows her own emerald crown of spiky edged leaves around her heart. This Italian heirloom, dating back to the 1880’s, is wonderfully sweet & stays crisp in summer heat whilst happy in the cool of spring and autumn. Enjoy headed as an iceberg type or as baby leaves from 3 weeks. This seed is from an organic source.
Price for 75 seeds
This variety is part of our naturally nurtured range, the seed comes from an organic source
SOW: a very good choice to sow in early spring and again in the autumn (lettuce germination can be erratic in hot weather) but happy growing in summer heat. For summer germination start in trays in a shady spot, cooling the compost by watering and then leaving in the shade for a couple of days before sowing. Move to a sunnier spot once germinated. You can start them in modules and transplant so that there is no need to thin.
GROW: plant out when large enough to do so, 25-30cm apart. In wet and windy conditions plant out under, or protect with, an open-ended cloche. Watch out for slugs and snails in the spring – they love lettuces!
EAT: we love heirloom varieties, the flavour can rarely be surpassed, Ice Queen is wonderfully sweet & stays crisp in summer heat whilst happy in the cool of spring and autumn. Enjoy headed as an iceberg type or as baby leaves from 3 weeks