Lettuce Arctic King

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£0.75 / pack(s)

Arctic King is as hardy as its name suggests so you can autumn sow and enjoy tasty light green crinkled leaves for fresh green salads in late winter and hearted butterheads from early spring.  Very hardy, it is only in the coldest areas you may need cloches.  You can also grow in a cold greenhouse or coldframe, in milder areas you may be able to enjoy from January!. 

Price for 75 seeds

SOW: an autumn sowing variety from August to October.  In August & September you can direct sow, September & October sow into modules

GROW:  plant out when large enough to do so at about 30cm apart.  In the coldest areas you may prefer to plant under cloches or in a cold greenhouse or coldframe.  Anywhere greenhouse or coldframe crops may give you a first pick from January & are a great way to keep these spaces busy until the spring rush!

EAT: leaves from February, hearted butterheads from March to May 


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