All Year Round will tick many boxes. Tasty, soft textured, compact and slow to bolt being just some of its qualities. You can sow this from March to August, giving you wide choice of when to sow and harvest.
Price for 75 seeds
SOW: from March to August, seed depth 15mm. Sowing a little seed every 2-3 weeks will give you a succession of lettuces. They can be started in modules and transplanted or sown in situ.
GROW: plant out when large enough to do so at 25-35cm apart, if sown in situ this to this spacing before they become crowded. Watch out for slugs and snails – they love lettuces!
EAT & ENJOY: fresh in salad – try mixing with a range of other leaves such as leaf beet, endive and beetroot leaves or some herbs to complement your salad.