This Red & Green Salad Bowl mix is ideal cut-&-come-again lettuce producing an abundance of fresh foliage: great in small spaces, instant variety on your plate
Price for 75 seeds
SOW: a little seed, 5-10mm deep, every 2-3 weeks to provide non-stop harvests and avoid a glut. They can be sown most of the time in modules. Sowing in warm weather may encourage bolting. Watch out for slugs and snails – they love lettuces!
GROW: for cut-and-come-again salad bowl leaves plant as a short row, close spaced and cut when about 10cm high. Keep moist and they will usually resprout to give 2 or 3 cuts. Ready to harvest about 3-4 weeks after sowing.
EAT: fresh in salad – you can also combine with a range of other leaves such as leaf beet, pea tips and mustard leaf.