The rich orange fruits are mild (500-2000 SHU) with an outstanding complex flavour. Enjoy them fresh but so keep some of the thin fleshed fruits for drying as they make a superb golden chilli powder that releases a lovely aroma when added to hot food. Plants are open growing and prolific. Price for 10 seeds.
SOW: from mid-April to end of May, indoors in a warm soil in trays or modules barely covering the seeds as they need light to germinate.
GROW: when they reach the 2/3 leaf stage they can be planted into a greenhouse or hardened off and put outside in a warm sheltered spot. You can grow them in the soil, in a container or in a grow bag. Havanna Gold is early to produce fruit then continues to be prolific until the first frosts
EAT: perfect for fresh use. These are thin fleshed and dry well, you can make a bright orange chilli powder from these which will release a lovely aroma when added to hot food. You can also freeze your chilli crop.