

       swede_helenor  CABBAGE_SAVOY_ORMSKIRK   parsnip_gladiator    Parsley_Moss_Curled


December January February

The winter weather does not stop us at MoreVeg. Trial varieties are arriving - we love unpacking seeds, all those colours and shapes ready to burst into life as soon as they are given the opportunity). At this time of year the plot plan resembles a jigsaw that we are juggling with to fit everything in. Somehow it is all ready for when we get busy with sowing and growing. We love early winter: the parsnips are ready to say nothing of all the other veg that is best eaten with a hot dinner on a cold day. It is hard not to start sowing everything as soon as the first warmer day comes along however, depending on where you are, February can be the time to start early crops off under cover.

Sow and Grow

Broad beans Peas

In the new year...
With warmth:
Summer Cauliflower Asparagus F1 Broccoli Celeriac Celery Leek Onion

With protection (no heat)
Broad Beans Lettuce Peas Radish Komatsuna Rocket Sugar Loaf Chicory Texel Greens
Beetroot Brussels Sprouts Summer Cabbage Early Carrot Kale Leek Spring Onion Spinach Orach

Eat and Enjoy

Fresh through the winter months:
Sprouting Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Winter Cabbages Cauliflower Celeriac Chicory
Corn Salad Endive Hamburg Parsley Kale Komatsuna Leaf Beet Leeks Winter Lettuce
Mibuna Mizuna Mooli Mustard Leaf Spring Onions Pak Choi
Parsnips Winter Purslane Winter Radish Rocket Salsify Scorzonera Spinach Swede

And of course all of your other crops that you have stored.