

           Beetroot_Boltardy    florence_fennel_finale   TOMATO_MONEYMAKER

September October November

The MoreVeg catalogue is available to browse and order from as soon as the new season starts in October. We have been asked about our year starting now; it is when the seed harvest is in and is the earliest that we can start offering you new choices (as well as past favourites). There are varieties that you can sow and grow at this time of year but it is also a good time to make plans for your plot
For us September is a very busy time for harvesting. We are also starting some crops off. We like to use the space in our greenhouse before next year’s tomatoes take over and the spring rush of seedlings start

Sow and Grow

Broad Beans Calabrese Cauliflowers Shungiku Corn Salad

Endive Chicory Kale Komatsuna Lettuce & Winter Lettuce

Mibuna Mitsuba Mizuna Mustard Leaf Orach Pak Choi Peas Rocket Spinach Texel Greens Winter Purslane

Eat and Enjoy

Aubergine French Beans & Runner Beans Beetroot Chinese & Sprouting Broccoli Broccoli Raab Brussels Sprouts
Chinese Cabbage Summer & Winter Cabbages Calabrese Carrots Cauliflowers Celeriac & Celery Chicory
Choy Sum Corn Salad Courgettes Cucumbers Cut-&-come-again salad leaves Endives Florence Fennel
Parsley Kale Kohl Rabi Komatsuna Leaf Beet Leeks Lettuce Mibuna, Mitsuba & Mizuna
Mooli Mustard Leaf Onions & Spring Onions Pak Choi Parsnips Peas Perpetual Spinach
Pumpkins & Squashes Purslane Radish Rocket Salsify and Scorzonera
Senpasoi & Shungiku Swede Sweetcorn Tomatoes Turnips