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Didiscus Madonna Mix

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£0.75 / pack(s)

Madonna Mix will produce a delightful mix of lavender blue, white, pink and rose; the erect stems carry domed clusters of tiny flowers perfect for cutting when a few flowers are open on the cluster.  Sowing March to May, height to 70cm Annual    Price for 40 seeds


SOW: during March to April in pots of seed compost.  Germination can be erratic… sow three or four seeds into each pot - you will only need nine plants per square meter.  For best results just cover seeds with compost & seal in a plastic bag and keep at about 18-20°C.  Germination takes 2-3 weeks.


GROW:  harden off and transplant when all danger of frost has passed (late May).  Space plants about 20-25cm apart.  They like a sunny and well drained position.  They may need a few sticks for support.


ENJOY: pick in the morning when some of the cluster has opened, change water daily.  Deadhead to prolong garden blooming

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