Alpine Strawberry Regina will give you masses of sweet-tasting delicious aromatic fruit that are exceptionally large (2+cm) for an alpine type. Enjoy fresh for breakfast, in salads and desserts or make preserves.
Price for 50 seeds
SOW: in autumn or spring, start them in a seed tray of soil-less compost. Barely cover the tiny seeds with finely sieved compost. Keep at 20°C until germination, either on a warm windowsill or in a propagator & keep moist. Prick out when large enough and grow on in small pots. You may find cold stratification helps germination - pop the seeds in the fridge for about 1-2 weeks & then let them warm slowly before sowing in a seed can put the sown seed tray in the fridge it you have room!
GROW: harden off before planting out, be careful not to cover the base of leaves. They like rich moisture-retaining soil, ideally in some shade. We have mulched around our plants with fine gravel and this keeps them almost snail and slug free.