Alexandria is an attractive alpine strawberry that produces delicious fruits from June onwards - larger than wild berries. Sow the seeds in the autumn or spring, the plants will not produce runners but may naturalise in partly shaded damp areas of your garden. We grow our alpine strawberries on the path to our plot where they give us tasty snacks as we go back and forwards!
Price for 50 seeds
SOW: in autumn or spring, start them in a seed tray of soil-less compost. Barely cover the tiny seeds with finely sieved compost. Keep at 20°C until germination, ether on a warm windowsill (move at nighttime) or in a propagator. Prick out when large enough and grow on in small pots.
GROW: harden off before planting out. Make sure the space is weed free as they dislike competition. They like rich moisture-retaining soil, ideally in some shade. We have mulched around our plants with fine gravel, and this keeps them almost snail and slug free. Alexandria will not produce runners.
EAT: lovely fresh in the summer & autumn.