Spring Onion White Lisbon

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White Lisbon is the standard variety for salad onions with long white stems and bright green leaves, delicious young they bulk up relatively quickly to give a more pungent flavour. Sow March to May and again in August to September. This is a traditional and our most popular individual Spring Onion variety.

Price for 100 seeds

SOW: White Lisbon can be sown from March to October in the open.  The later sowings may be protected by cloches in the winter weather. Make a shallow drill (you can use a stick and drag it along the soil) so that the seeds end up about 1cm deep when you cover them.

GROW: sow sparingly to minimise thinning, make more than one sowing for a succession of salad onions.

EAT: pull as needed.   We often freeze spring onions after we cut them into strips to add to oriental dishes.

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