Pea Alderman (maincrop)

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As Alderman reaches 200cm tall they will need canes in teepees or rows to support them.  A bumper crop of large, plump, juicy and deliciously sweet peas will be your reward. Although thought of as a main crop you can sow some earlier with cloches to spread out your harvest.

Price for 50 seeds

SOW: from March to June.  We start our peas 3 seeds to a pot to give them a fighting chance against the mice.  Sowing in guttering to be slid into place has become popular.  They can also be sown in situ.  You can start Alderman earlier than this but you will need cloches when planting out.

GROW: pot grown plants need to be hardened off before planting out.   Alderman will require canes and possibly pea netting for support as it is a very tall pea that can reach 200cm.  All peas like moisture and will tolerate light shade.  Water in dry summers.  Pick regularly to encourage more growth.

EAT: lovely and sweet, pick when the pods have nice plump peas in them.

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