Lentissima A Montare has the classic tall compact heads true to its Batavian type. It is slow to bolt. Happy growing in full sun and cropping from June to October. Lovely leaves: even the paler crunchy ribs are very good - perfect in a Caesar Salad or used for as ‘sticks’ for dips.
Price for 75 seeds
SOW: a little seed 15mm deep every 2-3 weeks from mid-March through to July. You can start them in modules and transplant so that there is no need to thin.
GROW: plant out when large enough to do so - for full hearts set out at about 25-35cm apart. Slow growing, you are really looking at about 12 weeks before they are ready to cut
EAT: once cut these can wait a little in the fridge and stay crisp. You can trim out the ribs and use separately to the main leaves or dimply chop together for a crunchier salad.