Tangy Mustard Mix (Baby Leaf)

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£1.00 / pack(s)

This Tangy Mustard Mix has an amazing tangy zing with 5 superb varieties (Pizzo, Red Lace, Red Zest, Red Lion & Green Frills) giving you a whole range of leaf form and colour: a ready to grow beautiful blend to enjoy.  At baby leaf size these will and add tang and not overwhelm.  Mustard leaves develop stronger flavour as they grow...experiment to find the perfect size to pick for your taste buds!

Price for sufficient seed for 2 normal seed trays

SOW: between April and August for baby leaf treat as cut-&-come-again and chop off at a usable size (between 4-8 weeks), allow to resprout

You can sow a pinch in a pot every week to give you a meal at a time or sow into 10cm pots – each pot will give you 2-4 portions (it all depends on just how much salad you eat in one sitting!)  

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