Turnip Vietches Red Globe

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Vietches Red Globe is a lovely heirloom variety dating from the 1800s. The round to slightly flattened roots are white with a reddish top. The flesh is tender, white and of excellent quality.

Price for 100 seeds

SOW & GROW: March to August in situ – sow sparingly to minimise need to thin seedlings: to develop the best roots the seedlings should not touch.  The thinnings can be eaten as greens.  Water a regularly in dry weather.  Vietches Red Globe roots are ready 10-12 weeks after sowing.  If growing for greens: for the best flavour cut when 10-15cm high and leave to resprout.  Peel the roots before cooking and enjoy them mashed, roasted, in soups and casseroles.  To Freeze – peel and dice, blanch for 2 minutes, plunge into cold water, drain and dry with paper towel, pack in meal sized amounts.

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