Lettuce Lobjoits (cos)

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Once you taste crunchy textured, dark green, intensely flavoured Lobjoits this will become one of your favourites. An AGM winning heirloom variety, Lobjoits qualities shine through. It is suitable for close planting, from early sowings this variety remains in prime condition once the summer warms up and you can sow again in late summer/early autumn for a second season of deliciousness!

Price for 75 seeds.

SOW: a little seed every 2-3 weeks spring to early summer to give you a succession of lettuces.   Seed depth up to 15mm.  You can start them in modules and transplant so that there is no need to thin but avoid sowing in very warm weather.  Sow again in August and September for a second season of deliciousness

GROW:  plant out when large enough to do so, suitable for close spacing, 15-25cm apart.  Watch out for slugs and snails – they love lettuces!

EAT: fresh in salad – enjoy the flavour on its own or even add a sprinkling of anise, celery leaf or sorrel over the top.


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