Lavender Vera is a true English Lavender, growing into a compact, hardy, evergreen shrub with silver-blue foliage and mauve flowers. Plant it by doors and pathways, where it's delightful scent can be fully appreciated. It is well known as a dried ingredient for potpourri and sachets (try dried lavender in a muslin bag as a soothing addition to an evening bath). The is a renewed interest in the centuries of use as a culinary herb and it is now enjoying a well deserved revival for kitchen use. Our seeds come with two recipes for you to enjoy - shortbread and Lavender Jelly Jam.
Price for 50 seeds.
AUTUMN: sow seeds in trays or plugs. Cover with perlite & give them bottom heat of 4-10°C. Cut back established plants but never into old wood.
WINTER: over-winter the seedlings in a cold greenhouse or a cold well-ventilated conservatory. Minimum watering. Protect container grown plants in very cold areas
SPRING: pot on seedlings (gritty low nutrient mix), they need a good root ball before planting out. A light trim and tidy for established plants
SUMMER: trim after flowering, take cuttings
ENJOY: gather flowers just as they open, hang & dry in bunches. Pick leaves at any time for fresh use or before flowering if drying (good rule of thumb 1tbs fresh = 1tsp dried)