An ideal choice for a lettuce a day, slow to bolt Saladin stands well when ready for munching. This compact variety has tasty, succulent, dense hearts. An outstanding spring/summer lettuce that copes very well with the British climate.
Price for 75 seeds.
SOW: a little seed, 10mm deep, every 2-3 weeks from March to early August. You can start them in modules and transplant so that there is no need to thin.
GROW: plant out when large enough to do so at about 20-25 apart. Protect with cloches in cold weather while they establish themselves. Watch out for slugs and snails – they love lettuces!
EAT: cut the heads as needed and shred for salads – enjoy the flavour on its own or mixed with a range of other salad leaves such as baby leeks, Mibuna and Mustard Leaves or some edible flowers