Equator, an AGM winning variety for you to fall in love with: drought resistant to provide you a tasty crop in warm dry summers, yippee. This white flowered variety can self-pollinate, and the plentiful beans can be 25cm long. The plants, though vigorous, are not skyscrapers.
Price for 24 seeds
SOW: in late spring after frost danger has passed. We like to start runners in individual pots (seep depth 2.5-5cm or 2nd finger knuckle) between mid-April and July. Plant out when they show signs of wanting to climb after hardening off. You can plant them in situ but put your canes in place first! They like rich soil so if you are able to dig in organic matter early in the spring the beans will appreciate the extra boost.
GROW: runners like a cane each spaced at about 25 cm apart, you may need to encourage them to twine but they soon get the hang of it. You can pinch out the first growing tip when 25cm high to encourage more bushy growth. Equator can self-pollinate (although they prefer insects) so can set in hotter weather. Drought tolerant means that they can manage with minimal water, but they will not like desert conditions – happy to be given cold sink water with not too much soap.
EAT: keep picking and the beans will keep coming. Fresh they are a delight so make the most of this seasonal crop in this way. If you have too many then they will freeze well for use into the winter – just slice and bag into meal sized amounts.