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Celeriac Del Veneto

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The name is a giveaway: this Italian variety will grow into a round, rough bulb that is excellent when roasted, mashed with potatoes or grated into salads. Sowing from February to June and harvest from July to the end of the year. Price for 100 seeds.

SOW & GROW: in February or March start in a seed tray & surface sow then cover very lightly or wait & gently cover after germinating.  Be patient as germination can be slow.  Prick out into modules when large enough to do so to grow strong young plants. Transplant 40cm apart on a cool damp day, with the base of the stem at, or just above, ground level and water in.  Keep watered in dry weather (they love water) and mulch if possible.  It will enjoy a weekly liquid fertiliser!  Remove aging leaves to expose the swelling root.  Harvest from July to the end of the year as needed.

EAT: scrub the roots thoroughly!  Grate raw for salads.  Dice for winter stews, boil, puree, use in soups or serve sliced with a cheese sauce.  Mash with potatoes.  Roast slices or make celeriac chips (fabulous with strong flavoured meat!)  The leaf flavour is strong so use sparingly in salads or for celery seasoning.  Celeriac will freeze well if diced and blanched.


Peel (or cut off the skin) and slice into large thin wedges.  Brush with oil (or spray with a low cal spray) and place on a prepared backing tray.  Scatter with Thyme or chopped spring onions.  Cook these at the bottom of your oven for 1-1½ at 180°C.  Make a simple cheese sauce and serve.  Use your Celeriac instead of potatoes

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