Tomato San Marzano

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San Marzano is your choice if you enjoy the taste of Italy and want to make fresh tomato sauce for your pasta or pizza. These plum shaped toms mature slightly later than many of our other varieties and so will extend your harvest season. Indeterminate.

Price for 12 seeds

SOW: about 6-8 weeks before the last frost is expected sow in modules (cover or put on a windowsill).  Transplant to pots when large enough to handle and grow on until ready to harden off and plant after frost danger has passed.

GROW: plant in the greenhouse or in a sunny sheltered part of your garden.  Later to mature and so will extend your harvest season.  San Marzano can grow tall and will need supporting (indeterminate).  It will bloom, set new fruit and ripen fruit all at the same time throughout the season. 

ENJOY: an authentic Italian tom


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