Super sweet taste, very very flavourful, and prolific. Orange Cherry toms start out green, watch as the little fruits on each truss change from green to orange and then enjoy straight from the vine or add a pop of colour to your plate. Indeterminate
Price for 12 seeds
SOW: about 6-8 weeks before the last frost is expected, pop 2 or 3 seeds in each small pot and lightly cover (you can use vermiculite for this). They like a moist, not soggy, compost – you may find putting a bag over the pots helps but remove as soon as you see them germinating. Now they will like a sunny position and be ready to pot them on when large enough to handle. Plant them deeply and grow on, turn the pots so they don’t grow on a lean into the light, until it is time to harden off and plant after frost danger has passed.
GROW: plant in the greenhouse or in a sunny sheltered part of your garden. For the best flavour keep soil evenly damp (try not to over-water or overfeed). Orange Cherry is indeterminate, it can grow tall and will need supporting. It will form long trusses of fruit; these are green until they ripen to bold orange
ENJOY: the colour is just one more thing that sets these fruits apart, they are very sweet, packed full of flavour and will tempt you to eat them straight off the vine.