Featuring a wild rocket flavour with nutty tones, Sylvetta is a delicacy in salads and paired with cheese dishes. Finer deeply lobed leaves and slower to burst into flower than its wild relations, Sylvetta can also be grown in the winter in pots indoors for that pleasant hit of warmth all year round.
Price for 50 seeds
SOW: March to September outdoors, seed depth 5-10mm, in drier weather water the base of your drill before scattering the seed thinly then cover and firm in OR indoors in pots for winter growing at other times of the year. Sow seed every few weeks
GROW: keep watered, thin to 10-15cm apart (eat these thinnings), plants are ready as soon as large enough to cut a few leaves at a time: picking frequently encourages new growth & helps deter flowering (Sylvetta is slower to flower than its wild relatives)
EAT: enjoy Sylvetta all year round, small to medium leaves are at their best flavour.