Oriental Mustard Leaf Wasabina

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£0.75 / set(s)

This is a Japanese speciality mustard grown for its hot and spicy wasabi like flavour.  Baby leaves (3 weeks) will add a kick to salads and can be grown as a cut-&-come-again at almost any time of the year.  The large, tender, mature leaves are ruffled with curly edges and are best cooked: stir fry or use for ohitashi or tsukemono. This is a very cold tolerant plant for autumn winter crops.  Price for 50 seeds. 

SOW & GROW:  for baby leaves sow as a short row at almost any time of the year: use cloches in harsh weather (or a tray on a window sill although they can become a little leggy), ready in about 3 weeks. 

For larger plants you can start them in modules and transplant at 10-20cm apart. These are best started from July onwards: they are a very cold tolerant plant for autumn & winter crops.  

The secret is to a good tasty crop of Wasabina is to keep them watered in very dry weather. 

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