Tarengo is fabulously beautiful with burgundy toned green frilly edged shiny leaves. The richness of the colour depends on the amount of sunshine Tarengo can bask in. Enjoy scrumptious crispness reminiscent of an iceberg: from the first baby leaves to the last fully hearted head – it takes about 10 weeks to grow through all those stages so a little sown every few weeks will give you plenty of perfect choice.
Price for 75 seeds
This variety is part of our naturally nurtured range, the seed comes from an organic source
SOW: a little seed (5-10mm deep) from February to mid-September to give you a succession of lettuces. You can start them in modules and transplant them to where you have spaces. To help spread out your harvest sow a little seed every few weeks.
GROW: plant out when large enough to do so at about 25-35cm apart, harvest from May to November. You can plant these much closer and cut as baby leaves, especially useful if you have limited space. A fully hearted loose rosette head takes about 10 weeks to develop
EAT: at any stage of growth enjoy scrumptious crispness – in a salad bowl or in a sandwich or your favourite way