Lettuce Roxy (butterhead) naturally nurtured seed

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Delightfully tasty Roxy features rumpled, bronze tipped leaves. An AGM winning variety that is bolt resistant and well suited to spring, summer and autumn growing.

Price for 75 seeds.

This variety is part of our naturally nurtured range, the seed comes from an organic source

SOW: a little seed, 10mm deep, every 2-3 weeks in spring, summer & autumn (under cloches if the weather turns).  You can start them in modules and transplant so that there is no need to thin.

GROW:  plant out when large enough to do so at about 20-25cm apart.  Watch out for slugs and snails – they love lettuces!

EAT: fresh in salad – enjoy the flavour on its own or try mixing with a range of other leaves such as Minutina and Texel Greens that allow Roxy’s colour to shine.

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