
Lettuce Red Oakleaf

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£0.75 / pack(s)

Red Oakleaf comes in shades of red, mahogany and plum, each leaf being deeply notched and growing to form a dense bunch of leaves.  This heirloom retains a mild sweet flavour throughout its life – can be grown from spring to early winter.  An exceptional heirloom adding flavour and colour to your salads and sandwiches… and cook for soup or as a spinach substitute!

Price for 75 seeds

SOW: from spring through to late autumn.  Sowing a little seed every 2-3 weeks will give you a succession of lettuces.  Seed depth 5-10mm, starting in modules or sown in situ.  Autumn sowings can be grown into the winter under cover.

GROW:  for heads space 20-25cm apart, allowing 10-12weeks to reach full size. Heads are really a dense rosette of the oakleaves.  Sow and grow them close together to grow them as a cut-&-come-again – cut before rosettes form leaving a short stem to resprout 2 or 3 times.

EAT: shades of red, mahogany and plum, an exceptional heirloom (early 1800s) adding flavour and colour to your salads and sandwiches… and cook for soup or as a spinach substitute!

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