Parris Island has been available for over 70 years – and it is still available because it is so good and now has an RHS Award of Garden Merit to back this up. Crunchy and juicy, sweet, crisp and tasty, forming an upright head of tightly wrapped strong long leaves. Usually harvested when full grown although you can pick them when younger - great for impatient gardeners!
Price for 75 seeds
SOW: a little seed every 2-3 weeks in spring and summer to give you a succession of lettuces. You can start them in modules, seed depth 5-10mm, & transplant so that there is no need to thin but avoid sowing in very warm weather.
GROW: plant out when large enough to do so at about 20cm apart. Watch out for slugs and snails – they love lettuces! The upright heads of tightly wrapped strong long leaves can be 25-30cm tall
EAT: crunchy and juicy, sweet, crisp and tasty… usually harvested when full grown although you can pick them when younger or as a cut-&-come-again – great for impatient gardeners!
About that spelling…Parris Island lies off the coast of South Carolina – this variety has no links to France.