Lettuce Marvel of Four Seasons (looseleaf)

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Marvel of Four Seasons is a stunning choice, the leaves on this French heirloom variety are a dark green with cranberry red tips making it both attractive and tasty. As its name suggests it is an all-season variety, we think it is at its best when sown for harvest in the spring and autumn.

Price for 75 seeds

SOW: starting lettuces off in trays or modules, seed depth 5-10mm, allows you to transplant rather than thin.  Sow a little seed every 2-3 weeks provide non-stop harvests and avoid a glut.  Marvel of Four Seasons is an all-season variety although we think it is best sown during the spring and again in the autumn. 

GROW:  space this variety at 25-30cm apart.  Watch out for slugs and snails, they love all lettuces.

EAT: fresh in salad – delicious.  Make up your own mixed salad by adding other home-grown leaves such as mizuna, rocket or chicory

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