
Lettuce Monterreal (romaine)

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£0.80 / pack(s)

Monterreal sailed through hot summer trials: coping really well with the heat & growing into succulent, crunchy, flavourful long romaine heads. This quality hails from their Spanish roots. The fresh green slightly bubbled leaves are perfect as salad boats or for shredding to form part of your salad bowl. This variety passes the ‘well worth growing in your garden’ test with flying colours.

Price for 75 seeds

SOW: early sowing from February with protection, after frost danger is in the past you can sow in the open to the end of July.  Sow a little seed every 2-3 weeks to give you a succession of lettuces.   Seed depth 10-15mm, start in modules and transplant so that there is no need to thin them out.

GROW:  plant out when large enough to do so at about 25cm apart at the same depth as they were.  Regular watering always helps and watch out for slugs and snails – they love lettuces!

TOP TIP: in hot weather place the seed packet in the fridge overnight, this cooling down will help improve germination.

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