Lettuce Lollo Biondi (looseleaf) naturally nurtured seed

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Lollo Biondi is a beautiful fringed pale green lettuce, perfect for cut-&-come-again but equally good grown on to maturity. This has an excellent flavour.

Price for 75 seeds.

This variety is part of our naturally nurtured range, the seed comes from an organic source

SOW: lettuces can be started in modules and transplanted or sown in situ.  Sowing a little seed every 2-3 weeks will give you a succession of lettuces. 

GROW:  for cut and come again use: plant Lollo Biondi as a short row, close spaced and cut when about 10cm high.  Each plant will usually resprout to give 2 or 3 cuts.  Grown like this the first cut can be taken about 3-4 weeks after sowing.  For a more hearted lettuce, plant 25-30cm apart.

EAT: create unique home-grown salads by adding ingredients such as nasturtium flowers, salad burnet or diced peppers


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