One of the most popular lettuce varieties, Iceberg lettuce is often sold for a premium yet it is easy to grow. This is an older variety; the hearts are white while the green leaves have red tinges to them. Best as a summer harvest from spring sowing.
Price for 75 seeds.
SOW: a little seed every 2-3 weeks in spring for a summer harvest. You can start them in modules and transplant so that there is no need to thin but avoid sowing in very warm weather. Later sowings are possible into the summer however Iceberg may bolt when sown in hot weather.
GROW: plant out when large enough to do so at about 30-35cm apart, harvest through the summer and autumn. Watch out for slugs and snails – they love lettuces!
EAT: fresh in salad – enjoy the flavour on its own or try mixing with a range of other leaves such as beetroot and Namenia.