Lettuce Gilaad (romaine) naturally nurtured seed

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£0.75 / set(s)

Fabulous looks and Gilaad looks as good as it tastes!  The very wrinkled and crinkled leaves are in dramatic shades of burgundy and maroon.  It is heat resistant for summer growing yet can be sown from early spring right through to the autumn.  It is also slow to bolt allowing you to harvest as you need them.

Price for 75 seeds. 

This variety is part of our naturally nurtured range, the seed comes from an organic source

SOW: with protection in March then outside through to autumn.  A little seed every 2-3 weeks will give you a succession of lettuces.   You can direct sow these or, to give them a start away from slugs & snails, you can start them in modules and transplant

GROW:  plant out when large enough to do so at about 25-30cm apart (can be closer in containers).  Gilad is heat resistant for summer growing, is also slow to bolt allowing you to harvest as you need them.  All lettuces like regular watering in warm weather. 



EAT & ENJOY: bold colour, fabulous flavour

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