
Lettuce Analena (butterhead)

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£1.10 / pack(s)

Voluminous is a fabulous word that perfectly describes the plump fluffy heads of Analena.  This butterhead, a flavourful fresh green wonder, has a secret power… one sowing can be picked as a lettuce a day over a long time.  This bolt resistance is perfect for home growing, altogether an outstandingly impressive choice.  Price for 75 seeds

SOW: from February to July, seed depth 15mm.  Early sowings in modules to be transplanted, from April you can sow direct.  Analena is bolt resistant thus two sowings about 6-8 weeks apart will give you a very long-lasting crop

GROW:  spacing at 30-40cm apart – Analena is voluminous however you can achieve this spacing by cutting alternate lettuce to leave wider gaps for the remaining heads to grow into.  Watch out for slugs and snails – they love lettuces!

EAT: one voluminous plump fluffy head will give you plenty of salad flavour to enjoy! 

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