Acherito is a small romaine that will give you lots of lovely crunchy flavour and colour. The pale hearts are wrapped in long leaves that look almost as they have been dipped in red-maroon dye for part of their length - cut in half and then pull the leaves apart to create multi-coloured leaf boats ready to load up with tasty fillings and dips. In looks it resembles a Little Gem and they would make great partners to grow together.
Acherito hails from Spain and is an outstanding performer in the heat and sun of summer – ready just 10-12 weeks from sowing. Not limited to summer enjoyment as is has a sowing time from February to July.
Price for 75 seeds
SOW: from February through to the end of July. Sowing a little seed every 2-3 weeks will give you a succession of lettuces. Seed depth 5-10mm, starting in modules or sown in situ after frost danger is passed.
GROW: plant out when large enough to do so, 25-30cm apart. Water the soil regularly in hot sunny weather to keep them in tip top condition. Watch out for slugs and snails in the spring – they love lettuces!
EAT: your salads will look and taste lovely whether you chop or slice or make leaf boats!