Mountain Mint is very attractive to bees and butterflies, a wonderfully aromatic plant for your garden: "Pycnanthemum" comes from Latin words meaning "many clustered flowers," while the species name "pilosum" means "softly hairy" in reference to the texture of the foliage. You can add some to your dryer to freshen laundry naturally. Thrown in a drawer or hung is a cupboard it will not freshen clothing and keep moths away. Sprinkle on carpets to freshen the whole house and is said to be a good natural insecticide so plant by a path or play area. Rub a handful of this herb on your clothes a natural insect deterrent and a fresh wad of short-toothed mountain mint’s bruised stems, stuck into your pocket or hat, might even help keep gnats from buzzing your face when you’re outdoors (cannot promise they will work on voracious Scottish midges). Deer are said to dislike this plant so dot it between the plants that they do like! The flower buds and leaves are edible raw or cooked, and have a hot, spicy, mint-like flavour that makes a great spice or seasoning with the following Caution: you should not consume Mountain Mint whilst pregnant
Price for 100 seeds
SOW: in spring or autumn into a seed tray in a cold frame or sow in a seed bed in April. Surface sow onto moist, well-drained seed compost & lightly cover. Aim for 20°C. Germination is erratic from 2-12 weeks Transplant seedlings when large enough.
GROW: prefers a rich, loamy, moist soil in full or partial sun. Will tolerate any soil. Easy to care for
ENJOY: the flower buds and leaves are edible raw or cooked, and have a hot, spicy, mint-like flavour that makes a great spice or seasoning CAUTION: you should not consume Mountain Mint when pregnant However it is safe to use as a freshener or insect repellent.