Basil, Dark Opal

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Dark Opal has regal deep purple glossy leaves look absolutely stunning on a salad. They are perfect for other culinary uses as well. Bees love the pale pink flowers which are a beautiful contrast to the leaves. The plants may occasionally produce some variegated or green leaves

SOW: In pots or plug trays in spring. If sowing in early spring use bottom heat. Pot up when large enough to handle, water early in the day.

GROW: Spring – sow them. Summer – pinch out to prevent flowering and harvest leaves. Autumn – look after carefully and you should be able to enjoy fresh basil into the winter. May need feeding or repotting

Superb aroma and flavour: the leaves look stunning scattered on salad. Utilise the colour as a garnish or bed for green olives when serving. The flavour (and colour) is perfect with grilled tomatoes, rice & pasta.


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