Dandy – very flamboyant range of colours, especially so as each open bloom carries an inner circle of quilted petals most often in a contrasting shade. Flowering July to October. Height to 60cm Half Hardy Perennial that may develop tubers that can be replanted in spring, otherwise grow as annuals Price for 25 seeds
SOW: with warmth February to April, large seeds can be sown individually in pots of seed compost - seal in a plastic bag and keep at 18°C. Germination takes 1-2 weeks. Sow without heat late March/April, germination will take longer.
GROW: harden off and plant out after all danger of frost has passed, spacing plants at about 30-40cm apart. Plants grow tubers that you may be able to dig up and replant for the following year.
ENJOY: long lasting blooms that attract pollinating insects & are lovely cut flowers.