Honesty Lunaria Annua Crown Blend Mixture

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You ought to grow Honesty partly for its fragrant bright purple or white flowers in spring and early summer, but also for its unique papery seed-heads, oval and translucent, gleaming with an eerie silver light in the autumn & winter sun. Hardy Biennial

Price for 50 seeds

Flowers April to June with seed pods forming and remaining over the winter.

Height up to 100cm


SOW: in the open in August or in pots in September & November, cover the seeds lightly. Place the pots in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse.  The natural cold over the winter will trigger the seeds to germinate in the spring. 


GROW:  plant out when large enough to handle.  Some will flower that year; the rest will flower the following year.  Plants that flower will die at the end of that season.



  • The lovely Orange Tip butterfly – plant is food for its caterpillars – visited by other butterflies and moths
  • Bees visit for the nectar and pick up pollen, attracts other beneficial insects too
  • Seed pods are a winter food source for birds who then spread the seeds!
  • Included by the RHS in their pollinators plant list


  • The very decorative seed heads can be cut them for a display indoors


  • Flowers can be scattered on salads and eaten


  • The seed heads were used as mini canvases for intricate paintings in the Victorian era

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