Cosmos Fizzy Mix

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£1.00 / pack(s)

Cosmos Fizzy Mix provides a lovely range of semi-double flowers, many with eye-catching deep ruby edges to the petals forming a flamboyant frothy display featuring white, lilac and plum shades with single and bi-colour variations.  Treat yourself to these colourful, easy to grow blooms: they have a long flowering season (July to October) and make top quality cut flowers too

Height 90-100cm


Price for 50 seeds

SOW: in April and May in trays of seed compost.  Barely cover with compost or vermiculite.  Place in a warm position and keep at a temperature of between 20-25°C Prick out into trays or small pots when they reach the two leaf stage and grow on. Can be sown in situ May/June. 

GROW:  harden off and plant out at from the end of May onwards.  For clumps space 10-20cm apart.  They like to be in a sunny position.  Don’t let Cosmos dry out.  This tall variety may need staking.

ENJOY: do cut the blooms, new buds will quickly pop up to replace them and you will have blooms all summer long.  Nectar & pollen rich for bees and butterflies

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