This frizzy variety is mainly for Summer and Autumn use and can be sown from March onwards. With rose tinted mid-rib, this self blanching cultivar can even be harvested into early winter with protection from an August/September sowing. All this makes Panaclieri very versatile. Price for 40 seeds
SOW: best sown from March onwards for summer and autumn use. Protect sowings made in August/September for use from early winter. Sow all year round for cut and come again use. Germination can be erratic in hot weather.
GROW: space single plants 20-35cm apart. Cut heads and leave to resprout (less likely to do this if blanched). Keep watered. Self-blanching varieties naturally produce a creamy centre to the plant without needing to be covered.
EAT: most often used raw in salads but endive can also be cooked – try braising it.