Chinese Broccoli Rafiki

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£0.75 / pack(s)

Try Rafiki for yourself to see why the unique sweet flavour of Chinese Broccoli is gaining a dedicated following.  Versatile for eating raw or lightly cooked with smooth tender stems.  This variety is particularly uniform in growth making it easier to catch in bud and very good for successional growing.        

Price for 50 seeds

SOW:  from March to September in modules or, in summer, you can sow in situ.   Transplant as soon as they are large enough to handle.  This variety is excellent for sowing in succession 7-10 days apart

GROW:   your plants need to be 20-25cm apart.  They like fertile soil (dig in some compost before planting) and regular watering particularly in a warm summer.  Rafiki is very uniform so most of your crop will reach maturity at a similar time – harvest the stems and flowering shoots whilst still in bud for the sweetest flavour

EAT: you can enjoy the leaves in salads or lightly steam them.  The flowering shoots and stems are also well flavoured.  Steam, stir fry or cook like sprouting broccoli

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