Celery Celebrity is an excellent variety that is bolt resistant and holds well which makes it a first-class choice for harvesting over a long period. It is also a self-blanching variety which not only is a fine celery to grow but very tasty too! Price for 50 seeds.
SOW: early spring in a propagator or mid spring under cover. Celery needs light to germinate – sow seeds on the surface
GROW: prick out into small pots when large enough to handle. Plant at 5/6 leaf stage after hardening off after all danger of frost has passed. This type of celery is shallow rooted and will appreciate regular watering and organic feed. Plant Celebrity in a block at 15cm spacing to help self-blanching
EAT: lovely raw, celery can also be cooked. Celery that has been frozen is a lovely addition to winter casseroles.