
Cauliflower Ace High

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£1.25 / pack(s)

Ace High is a lovely winter type that you actually harvest in May the following year…this variety is widely grown and adaptable to most conditions: with firm, fertile soil and consistent moisture you should be harvesting top quality tasty curds from your own garden

Price for 18 seeds


SOW & GROW: between late April and June (plan to sow a few seeds every 3 weeks to naturally space your harvest), seed depth 10mm in small pots under cover/indoors.  Germination in about two weeks then, with light, warmth & regular watering a good root system will develop.  About 6 weeks from sowing transplant – make a hole deep enough so the lowest leaves are at soil level and ‘puddle in’*.  Finish by firming the soil really well around the plant.  Protect from pests and water regularly. 


EAT: ready around May next year: cut the curds when they are tight and firm – don’t leave them on the plant too long so cut the first ones in late April. Fabulous fresh or blanch and freeze florets.


*Puddle in: when you place the plant in the hole you fill the hole repeatedly with water which then refills the hole with soil and ensures the plant is sitting in a large area of moist ground – this gives your cauliflower plants the best start without disturbing their roots.  This technique is also used when planting leeks.

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