Impressive Romance F1 has its sweet flavour packaged in a blunt tipped, straight, deep orange root. Ideal for early sowing with protection and then onwards to the end of July. Can be pulled and enjoyed from 11 weeks after sowing.
Price for 150 seeds.
SOW: at no more than 10mm deep from February with protection to July. Early spring before mid-March or from July can avoid the worst of the carrot fly. Use cloches to warm the soil and protect early crops. Remember to dig the soil well & sow sparingly to avoid the need for too much thinning.
GROW: keep growing carrots and weed free – they don’t like the competition. Romance can be pulled from 11 weeks after sowing.
EAT: enjoy young carrots grated raw in salads. Slice and cook to serve with your favourite meals. Add a sweet flavour to mash by cooking carrot with potatoes or swede and mashing them together.