Karotela is a lovely open pollinated choice that can be sown at any time from early spring to the end of July stretching you carrot harvest well into the autumn. The delicious cylindrical roots can grow to 20cm long; they are very smooth, crunchy and sweet.
Price for 150 seeds
SOW & GROW: from early spring to the end of July: with early sowings in coldframes, under cloches or in a greenhouse border. Karotela is ideal for successional cropping. Sowing in early spring (before mid-March) or in July can avoid the worst of the carrot fly. Remember to dig the soil thoroughly. Sow sparingly to avoid the need for too much thinning. Keep moist and weed free – they don’t like the competition. Pull from June onwards, depending on your sowing date, or into October
EAT: enjoy the flavour when pulled fresh. They can be kept in a poly bag in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. Small carrots can be frozen whole or cut larger ones into pieces.