Carrot Bambino naturally nurtured seed

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Bambino is a wonderful baby carrot ready to pull when just 10-15cm long (from 12 weeks or so but they can grow for longer). The roots are slender, deep orange and smooth. It can be sown at anytime through the carrot season for a steady and delicious supply.

Price for 150 seeds.

This variety is part of our naturally nurtured range, the seed comes from an organic source

SOW:  at no more than 10mm deep from February to August, but early spring before mid-March or from July can avoid the worst of the carrot fly.  For early sowings warm the soil with the cloches before sowing or wait for warmer weather.  Remember to dig the soil thoroughly.   Sow sparingly to avoid the need for too much thinning.

GROW: keep moist and weed free – they don’t like the competition. Pull between May and October depending on your sowing date. 

EAT: enjoy the flavour when pulled fresh.  They can be stored in a poly bag in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. Freeze: Bambino can be frozen in chunks; baby carrots up to little finger size can be frozen whole.


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